Monday, April 21, 2008

Web Design Dallas...Your Dallas Stars and $500. What?!?

Web Design for Dallas: The time is right! Besides Write Ink Marketing offering bold, innovative, attention-demanding designs that are not only symbolic of your company's message, but also make you Stand Out among the masses, and all at affordable prices, we've got something else for you.

What's that, you ask? Well, we'll tell you. We are so proud of our DALLAS STARS that we're willing to offer a discount on web design. It's been a long time since our DALLAS STARS made it past the 1st round of the playoffs that we're willing to let clients from Dallas and surrounding areas cash in on the excitement.

All you have to do is go to our site, fill out the form, and on the form mention you want the Dallas Stars discount found on our blog. It's that simple.

What's the discount, you ask? Well, we'll tell you. $500!

Why $500? Because it's been 5 years since the Stars have won a playoff series. GO STARS!!! The Mighty Mo popped an easy one in and took down the defending Stanley Cup Champs. It was just too beautiful. And well worth $500.

But only the 1st 5 to contact us get the discount, so get on the site and get to filling out that form:

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